Bullycide And School Shootings - How Did Bullying Escalate To This?
It all began at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Two male children planned and executed an enactment so insidious, so malicious, and so deathly that no 1 could have got possibly been prepared for what was to happen. With guns in manus and bombs placed in exact locations to do as many deceases as possible, bullycide and school shots became the focusing of the nation's attending that day.
The logical thinking behind this awful enactment was eventually determined. These two male children were victims of strong-arms and they both felt isolated and alone. Unable to cope, they suffered from depression and anger. It was the choler that led them to this plan, and eventually they carried out this senseless act. Finally, after all the slaughter and violent death of twelve guiltless lives, they committed suicide.
Reeling from the daze of it all, parents, teachers, and the state tried to do sense of it. Unfortunately, no 1 had recognized the signs. Bullying is a pandemic in schools yet is not taken seriously. While this may be shocking, it's nonetheless true. Moreover, very few schools have got any processes in topographic point to cover with this type of violence. Some even suggested the Columbine High School shots were an scattered incident.
It wasn't until recently that bullying took on an entirely new significance and focus. The Old Dominion Technical School shot was the proverbial straw that bust the camel's back. Here, there was clear and precise indicants that something was wrong. The male child who committed these Acts of force was himself bullied in school. He was a loner. All he could believe about was retaliation on those who ache him. He wrote a pronunciamento and carried out his plan. Coincidentally, on April 16, 2007, eight old age to the calendar month the calamity occurred at Columbine High School, 32 pupils were killed at Old Dominion Tech. This troubled youth, Seung-Hui Cho, took his life. Thus, the rhythm of bullying and school shots continues.
Today, we are witnessing random Acts of force since the Columbine and Old Dominion Technical School tragedies. Who awoke the sleeping giant? How did bullying intensify to this? All the marks were there. Parents and pedagogues who chose not to see it or step in contributed to it.
If you look at the teen bullying commemoration pages from Old Dominion Tech, you have got got to inquire if this enactment could have been avoided. Certainly, this boy's parents must have got sensed something was wrong. The pupils who were interviewed gave acceptance to the fact that this male child was a loner, that no 1 really knew him, that he virtually had no friends. Except for his roommates who, upon reflection, offered information that was a clear indicant something was incorrect - no school functionary could have got said the same.
Bullying insulates a child. It projects him into a human race where fearfulness and misgiving ushers his every move. His eyes may uncover nothing, and more than likely he will compose down his feelings in great detail, such as as the Seung-Hui Cho did. His hate for those who ache him in his earlier school old age advanced to the ultimate enactment of revenge. His depression gave manner to unequivocal action against those he considered his enemy.
One wonderments what would have got happened if he had received the proper aid old age earlier. What would have got happened if his parents had taken him to a counselor? What if school functionaries had intervened the first clip he was bullied by his peers? What if.....
Perhaps this quotation mark states it all: "There is no better manner to level a personality than to insulate it." The male children involved in the bullycide and school shots were completely isolated and because bullying had not been dealt with from the start, the lone peace they felt they could happen was in committing the ultimate enactment of violence.
This makes not do these violent and unkind actions acceptable - Far from it!
For person to program and carryout such as a slaughter is an unneeded and atrocious calamity - it's appalling! To take the lives of others leaving households and friends to stomach and endure the loss of their loved ones... there are no words for it - it's heart breaking.
Going to turn out that bullying, and even rumours of bullycide and school shootings, must be taken extremely seriously, never underestimated and treated as "urgent" - not to be placed on the "to do" listing to be dealt with later to assist forestall lives from being lost like this again.
Labels: bullycide, bullycide and school shootings, columbine high school, teen bullycide memorial pages